Sunday, June 18, 2017

Our first quarter has almost come to an end. I am very confident that we have created a very special and unique medical practice. There is nothing like it in the local health care market. Truly independent. Hands on. Accessible. Personal. Everybody involved is super upbeat and positive. We are really enjoying this. And it shows.
It is so satisfying from my end to finally be able to sit down with a patient again without time constraints. To be able to address every single problem a patient might have. To talk about all the details of their health issues. Even to have time to chat and get to know one another a little better. To be able to give patients same day appointments. To be able to answer patient questions and concerns myself. To get patients engaged in a better understanding of how important nutrition and exercise are. To be able to support their efforts. Our biggest hit so far has been our exercise groups.
We are slowly approaching full capacity probably within the next quarter. If you know someone dear to your heart who you think would benefit from this kind of a medical practice, spread the word.
All the best,

Friday, April 7, 2017

Week one is over. We are on our way. I am learning the new software and phone system. And I am adjusting to a new routine and rhythm after 20 years. I have to constantly remind myself not to rush and to take my time. I am so used to do everything in a hurry.
We are all making good progress and everyone in the office is very upbeat and enthusiastic. I hope by next week we have eVisit up and running and fully functional.

This caught my eye this week The future is now. 

Pretty cool. I guess if you want your kids to become surgeons, you better let them play computer and video games to develop their skills. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for the older surgeons to retrain and learn those kinds of techniques. 

So much for today.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Many patients and friends asked me why I would want to start a new medical practice after all those years.

I love being a doctor. Best job in the world. There is no better feeling than being able to help another person. I was drawn to being a doctor more by the human element versus the science part of it. But the combination of both is a great one.
But after almost 20 years of working within the traditional system, I became very unhappy about many aspects of how care was being delivered. And I felt I was drifting more and more into the wrong direction.

What went wrong?

Complicated question. But it boils down to a very simple answer - patient experience and just as much doctor experience - my experience.
Most primary care doctors today struggle trying to provide good and compassionate medical care for absurd patient loads. It has become very difficult to be able to spend enough time with a patient. Trying to be a good diagnostician and also caretaker. Being available. How can I really develop and maintain a relationship with a patient if we have 15 minutes every 6 months together. If this patient is one out of thousands of patients that are in my practice signed up under my name. If lack of quality time are being replaced by ordering more tests or giving out more referrrals. Medical care then becomes very technical and robotic. Doctors are being judged and rewarded for their care more based on a bird's eye view of their practice as a whole versus what a patient really percveives as an individual.

So what am I trying to do with the new practice?

First of all improve the patient experience. Slow it down. More time for the patients. See us more often if needed. Offer enhancements in their care. Improve access and communication. Same day appointments.  More freedom to choose their specialists. Utilizing new technologies. Giving patients options, even if they include being off the beaten path. Alternative treatments. Better nutrition. Exercise. Reward patients for trying to live healthier. Win-Win situation.

I am sure there will a learning curve for us as well. We are building this from the ground up. But everybody is supermotivated. We have our heart in the right place. And I am sure we will succeed.

Almost there...

Hi all,

After months of hard work we are almost there. Opening day is 2 weeks away. We are making a final push for patients to get everything in to us to get them properly into the new system in order to assure a smooth transition.
So if you want to become a member in our practice, please contact us and we can walk you through the process.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Hi to all,

This blog is to keep our patients informed about our practice Your Choice Medical.  I plan to write about relevant topics affecting your health. I will express my views on health care policies and how they impacts me as a physician and you as a patient. Of course I am going to throw in the occasional photo plus some random topics. Feedback and discussion are greatly appreciated.